Formerly a travelling companion of the universe's most popular Time Lord, former Pharaoh Erimem has set out on her own series of adventures in time and space. Where she goes and what she discovers... you'll find out in this new range of novels, novellas and short story anthologies. The series is edited by her creator, Iain McLaughlin.
Erimem's new adventures take her into the past, the future and into the depths of space. No matter what she has experienced before, the most dangerous adventures are still in front of her...

The Last Pharaoh
written by Iain McLaughlin and Claire Bartlett
Foreword by Caroline Morris
Published June 2015
Available now.
Sample chapter available HERE.

For some background information on Erimem and details of where you can find her previous adventures, go here.
Special offer
Get the first 14 Erimem books - The Last Pharaoh to Death on the Waves - for just £70 plus p&p or as ebooks for £50.
We had a number of requests for large print editions of the Erimem books so we have prepared Large Print Editions which are available from Amazon. Details of these books are HERE.

Angel of Mercy
written by Julianne Todd, Claire Bartlett and Iain McLaughlin
Published November 2015
Originally available free as an ebook for subscribers to the first three full length books in the Erimem series, Angel of Mercy can be purchased in printed form from Amazon.

All I Want for Christmas
written by Claire Bartlett, Daniel McGachey, Beth Jones
and Iain McLaughlin
Published November 2016


Erimem -
The Chronicles of Mars
A Pharaoh of Mars
Goddess of Mars
Legions of Mars
written by Jim Mortimore
An event series of novels
Details of Jim Mortimore's novels and links to excerpts from the first book can be found on the NEWS PAGE.
The Final Frontier
Age of Anarchy
Never Die Twice

All five Erimem stories first published in 2015 released in one volume. Available only through Amazon.

Note to customers in the USA
Recent trade tariffs between the USA and the UK mean that postage costs have increased significantly. The most cost effective way for you to get the Erimem books is through Amazon.
written by Beth Jones
To be published September 2020