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New Erimem audios

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Erimem returns to audio


Erimem made her first appearance in the universe of Doctor Who on audio in Big Finish's range of Doctor Who productions.


Now, more than a decade since her last audio adventure, Erimem is returning to the medium.


BBV is producing three new single narrator audio dramas based on novels in Thebes' Erimem series of books.


The three titles are:

The Beast of Stalingrad

Prime Imperative

Churchill's Castle


Erimem's creator Iain McLaughlin has adapted the stories for the audios, and all three will be performed by Sarah-Jane Wareham, telling the stories in the first person from the perspective of Erimem's closest friend, Andy (Andrea) Hansen.


Each play is approximately an hour long and will be available from BBV.


The three plays are now available for pre-order exclusively on BBV's site.

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